Shopping Redefined
Rate your purchases and earn Bal Points. As you shop, grow your profile and rack up Bal Points. Don't forget to spend them effortlessly at partnered stores!
Fast Pay!
Fast Pay is the lightning-fast way to settle your shopping experience, earn and spend Bal Points effortlessly!
Data Security
Your Security, Our Priority. Bal employs state-of-the-art data encryption measures to safeguard your personal information.
Partnered Deals
Unlock exclusive savings! Bal's Partnered Deals bring you unbeatable discounts and special offers from our trusted partner stores.
Live Support
Need assistance anytime, anywhere? Bal offers 24/7 Support to address your queries and concerns around the clock.
Earn Revards
Discover exciting promotions! Bal regularly features promotions and special offers to enhance your shopping experience.
Customer Satisfaction
Elevating Your Experience: At Bal, we're committed to going the extra mile to ensure you have a delightful shopping journey.
Discover the Bal Shopping Experience
Unlocking the Future of In-Store Shopping - Your Step-by-Step Guide to Effortless Purchases, Rewards, and Exclusive Deals with Bal
![App screen](assets/img/landing/app-showcase-3/steps/08.png)
![App screen](assets/img/landing/app-showcase-3/steps/06.png)
![App screen](assets/img/landing/app-showcase-3/steps/07.png)
Make your shooping simple and rewarding
- Save time and money by using promotions
- Manage payments and expanses online
- Earn your rewards and spent them effortlessly
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Chat with usBal is your ultimate shopping companion app that redefines your in-store shopping experience. It allows you to scan your receipts using the app, saving your purchased items to your profile. You can participate in surveys, earn Bal Points, and unlock exclusive discounts.
Signing up for Bal is a breeze! During the registration process, we'll ask for your phone number, name, and email address (optional). We value your privacy and ensure the security of your data.
Currently, Bal is compatible with select partnered stores, which include major supermarkets and retailers. Check the app for a list of participating locations.
Scanning your receipts is effortless. Use the Bal app's built-in scanner to capture the QR code on your receipt. Once scanned, your purchased items are instantly stored in your Bal profile for your convenience.
Bal Points are rewards you earn by participating in surveys, engaging with the app, and making purchases at partnered stores. The more you interact with Bal, the more Points you accumulate, which can be redeemed for exclusive discount coupons.
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